حدد سهمًا أو عملة مشفرة في شريط البحث للحصول على ملخص
DouYu International Holdings
DOYUDouYu International Holdings Limited, together with its subsidiaries, operates a platform on PC and mobile apps that provides interactive games and entertainment live streaming services in the People's Republic of China. Its platform connects game developers and publishers, professional eSports teams or players and eSports tournament organizers, advertisers, and viewers. The company also sponsors professional players and teams, as well as organizes eSports tournaments. In addition, it streams other content to include a spectrum of live streaming entertainment options, such as talent shows, music, outdoor, and travel. Further, the company records and offers video clips to allow users to watch replays of selective live streaming content; and graphics that include game guides, tutorials, news, and other types of content. DouYu International Holdings Limited was founded in 2014 and is headquartered in Wuhan, the People's Republic of China. Address: Building A, New Development International Center, Wuhan, China, 430073
سعر الهدف في وول ستريت
7.65 USDنسبة السعر إلى الأرباح
–العائد الربحي
50.60 %السنة الحالية
العام الماضي
الربع الحالي
الربع الأخير
السنة الحالية
العام الماضي
الربع الحالي
الربع الأخير
الشخصيات الرئيسية DOYU
تحليلات الأرباح DOYU
Max Ratio
>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.
–نمو الأرباح على مدى 5 سنوات
–النمو المستمر
–معدل الدفع 5 سنوات في المتوسط
–تاريخ الأرباح DOYU
تقييم الأسهم DOYU
المالية DOYU
نتائج | 2019 | ديناميات |