Kirjoita osake tai kryptovaluutta hakupalkkiin saadaksesi yhteenvedon
Codexis Inc
CDXSCodexis, Inc. discovers, develops, and sells enzymes and other proteins. The company operates through two segments, Performance Enzymes and Novel Biotherapeutics. It offers biocatalyst products and services. The company also provides biocatalyst screening and protein engineering services. In addition, it offers CodeEvolver, a technology platform, which helps in developing and delivering biocatalysts that perform chemical transformations and enhance the efficiency and productivity of manufacturing processes. The company's platform is also used for molecular biology and in vitro diagnostic enzymes. It has a collaboration agreement with Nestlé Health Science to develop CDX-7108 for the treatment of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency. The company sells its products to pharmaceutical manufacturers through its direct sales and business development force in the United States and Europe. The company was incorporated in 2002 and is headquartered in Redwood City, California. Address: 200 Penobscot Drive, Redwood City, CA, United States, 94063
WallStreetin tavoitehinta
7.17 USDP/E-suhde
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Edellinen vuosi
Nykyinen vuosineljännes
Viimeinen vuosineljännes
Kuluva vuosi
Edellinen vuosi
Nykyinen vuosineljännes
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Avainluvut CDXS
Osinkoanalytiikka CDXS
Max Ratio
>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.
–Osinkojen kasvu 5 vuoden aikana
–Jatkuva kasvu
–Maksusuhde 5 vuoden keskiarvo
–Osinkohistoria CDXS
Osakkeen arvostus CDXS
Talousasiat CDXS
Tuloksia | 2019 | Dynamiikka |