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IDFC First Bank Limited

Nykyinen hinta
57.95 INR +1.34 INR (+2.37%)
Viimeksi suljettu 60.02 INR
ISIN INE092T01019
Sektori Rahoituspalvelut
Teollisuus Pankit-alueellinen
Vaihto National Stock Exchange of India
Pääomitus 426 438 679 491 INR
Tuotto 12 kuukautta. -28.28 %
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021

IDFC First Bank Limited engages in the provision of various banking and financial services to corporates, individuals, multi-national companies, SMEs/entrepreneurs, financial institutions, and the government in India. The company operates through four segments: Treasury, Corporate and Wholesale Banking, Retail Banking, and Other Banking Business. It accepts savings, corporate salary, current, business, and nostro/vostro accounts; fixed and recurring deposits; and provides debit, credit, and prepaid cards, as well as payment services. The company also offers personal, consumer durable, home, car, two-wheeler, commercial vehicle, education, gold, business, working capital, construction equipment, professional, term, foreign currency, and micro enterprise loans; farmer producer organization finance; and loan against property and loans for women. In addition, it provides supply chain financing products, including trade finance, vendor and dealer finance, and factoring/receivables purchase; treasury and capital market services; wealth management services; and trade finance and services comprising import-export solutions, bank guarantees, domestic trade, and remittance products, as well as BXP, an online trade portal. Further, the company offers investment services consisting of mutual funds, gold bonds, demat and trading account, and investment linked insurance solutions; distributes term, life, general, health, motor, home, travel, business, and pradhan mantri insurance products, as well as pension, savings, and annuity plans; and provides safe deposit lockers, overdrafts, and mobile and Internet banking services. Additionally, it provides cash management services; escrow services; and NRI banking services. The company was formerly known as IDFC Bank Limited and changed its name to IDFC First Bank Limited in January 2019. IDFC First Bank Limited was founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Mumbai, India. Address: IDFC FIRST Bank Tower (The Square), Mumbai, India, 400051

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WallStreetin tavoitehinta

5 831.92 INR




Kuluva vuosi

+190 433 120 621 INR

Edellinen vuosi

+170 625 428 140 INR

Nykyinen vuosineljännes

+66 659 976 930 INR

Viimeinen vuosineljännes

+106 581 426 137 INR

Kuluva vuosi

+361 680 080 213 INR

Edellinen vuosi

+170 625 428 140 INR

Nykyinen vuosineljännes

+66 659 976 930 INR

Viimeinen vuosineljännes

+106 581 426 137 INR


1 vuosi
3 vuotta
5 vuotta
10 vuotta
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Toimintakate TTM 7.90 %
PE-suhde 21.95
Tuotto varoille TTM 0.79 %
Tuotto omalle pääomalle TTM 5.87 %
Wall Streetin tavoitehinta 5 831.92 INR
Tulot TTM 198 298 508 787 INR
Kirjanpitoarvo 51.11 INR
Tulot osaketta kohden TTM
Kvartaalinen liikevaihdon kasvu YOY 3.80 %
Bruttovoitto TTM 198 298 508 787 INR
Osakekohtainen tulos 2.65 INR
Laimennettu EPS TTM 2.65 INR
Viimeisin kvartaali IV 2024
Kvartaalinen tuloksen kasvu YOY -55.30 %
Käyttökate 9.69 %

Osinkoanalytiikka IDFCFIRSTB

Max Ratio

>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.

Osinkojen kasvu 5 vuoden aikana

Jatkuva kasvu

Maksusuhde 5 vuoden keskiarvo

Osinkohistoria IDFCFIRSTB

1 vuosi
3 vuotta
5 vuotta
10 vuotta
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Osinkopäivä 23.07.2018
Dividend CAGR 3Y
Dividend CAGR 5Y
Dividend CAGR 10Y
Consecutive Years 0
Consistent Years 2
Continuous Dividends 3
Ennustettu vuosittainen osinkotuotto
Ennustettu vuosittainen osinko – INR
Viimeisin jakosuhde
Viimeisin jakopäivä

Osakkeen arvostus IDFCFIRSTB

1 vuosi
3 vuotta
5 vuotta
10 vuotta
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Trailing PE 21.95
Ennustettu PE
Yritysarvon tulosuhde 3.47
Hinta/tulot TTM 2.16
Hinta/kirjanpitoarvo MRQ 1.16

Talousasiat IDFCFIRSTB

1 vuosi
3 vuotta
5 vuotta
10 vuotta
15 vuotta
Tuloksia 2019 Dynamiikka
* Tämän ajanjakson tietoja ei ole vielä julkaistu

Tekniset indikaattorit IDFCFIRSTB

52 viikon ajalta

56.29 INR 85.89 INR
50 päivän MA 61.60 INR
Lyhyet osakkeet edellinen kuukausi
200 päivän MA 69.61 INR
Lyhyet osakkeet