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AddLife AB (publ)
ALIF-BAddLife AB (publ), together with its subsidiaries, provides equipment, consumables, and reagents primarily to healthcare sector, research, colleges, and universities, as well as the food and pharmaceutical industries. The company operates through Labtech and Medtech segments. The Labtech segment offers products, solutions, and services in the areas of diagnostics, and biomedical research and laboratory equipment for plastic consumables, cell biology, reagents, lab, and other instruments. The Medtech segment provides medical device products for surgery, thoracic medicine, neurology, wound care, anaesthesia, intensive care, ear, nose and throat, ostomies, and home healthcare, as well as assistive technology for senior citizens and disabled children. It operates in Sweden, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Norway, Italy, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, rest of Europe, and internationally. AddLife AB (publ) was founded in 1906 and is based in Stockholm, Sweden. Address: Brunkebergstorg 5, Stockholm, Sweden, 103 62
WallStreetin tavoitehinta
1 868.74 SEKP/E-suhde
0.31 %Kuluva vuosi
Edellinen vuosi
Nykyinen vuosineljännes
Viimeinen vuosineljännes
Kuluva vuosi
Edellinen vuosi
Nykyinen vuosineljännes
Viimeinen vuosineljännes
Avainluvut ALIF-B
Osinkoanalytiikka ALIF-B
Max Ratio
>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.
–Osinkojen kasvu 5 vuoden aikana
-9.00 %Jatkuva kasvu
1 vuosiMaksusuhde 5 vuoden keskiarvo
28.00 %Osinkohistoria ALIF-B
Osakkeen arvostus ALIF-B
Talousasiat ALIF-B
Tuloksia | 2019 | Dynamiikka |