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Gorman-Rupp Company
GRCThe Gorman-Rupp Company designs, manufactures, and sells pumps and pump systems in the United States and internationally. The company's products include self-priming centrifugal, standard centrifugal, magnetic drive centrifugal, axial and mixed flow, vertical turbine line shaft, submersible, high-pressure booster, rotary gear, diaphragm, bellows, and oscillating pumps. Its products are used in water, wastewater, construction, dewatering, industrial, petroleum, original equipment, agriculture, fire suppression, heating, ventilating and air conditioning, military, and other liquid-handling applications. The company markets its products through a network of distributors, manufacturers' representatives, third-party distributor catalogs, direct sales, and e-commerce. The Gorman-Rupp Company was founded in 1933 and is headquartered in Mansfield, Ohio. Address: 600 South Airport Road, Mansfield, OH, United States, 44903
WallStreetin tavoitehinta
53.00 USDP/E-suhde
1.91 %Kuluva vuosi
Edellinen vuosi
Nykyinen vuosineljännes
Viimeinen vuosineljännes
Kuluva vuosi
Edellinen vuosi
Nykyinen vuosineljännes
Viimeinen vuosineljännes
Avainluvut GRC
Osinkoanalytiikka GRC
Max Ratio
>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.
3.42 %Osinkojen kasvu 5 vuoden aikana
32.00 %Jatkuva kasvu
18 vuottaMaksusuhde 5 vuoden keskiarvo
78.00 %Osinkohistoria GRC
Osakkeen arvostus GRC
Talousasiat GRC
Tuloksia | 2019 | Dynamiikka |