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Millicom International Cellular S.A
M4MMillicom International Cellular S.A. provides cable and mobile services in Latin America. It offers mobile services, including mobile data and voice, and short message services; and mobile financial services, such as payments, money transfers, international remittances, savings, real-time loans, and micro-insurance. The company also operates TIGO Sports for local entertainment; Tigo Money that allows its customers to send and receive money without the need for a bank account; and TIGO ONEtv for pay TV. In addition, it provides fixed services, including broadband and fixed voice; and fixed-voice and data telecommunications services, managed services, cloud and security solutions, and value-added services; and tower infrastructure and services. The company serves small, medium, and large businesses, as well as residential consumers and governmental entities. It markets its products and services under the Tigo and Tigo Business brands. The company was founded in 1990 and is headquartered in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Address: 2, Rue du Fort Bourbon, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 1249
WallStreetin tavoitehinta
3 773.73 SEKP/E-suhde
0.37 %Kuluva vuosi
Edellinen vuosi
Nykyinen vuosineljännes
Viimeinen vuosineljännes
Kuluva vuosi
Edellinen vuosi
Nykyinen vuosineljännes
Viimeinen vuosineljännes
Avainluvut M4M
Osinkoanalytiikka M4M
Max Ratio
>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.
–Osinkojen kasvu 5 vuoden aikana
–Jatkuva kasvu
–Maksusuhde 5 vuoden keskiarvo
–Osinkohistoria M4M
Osakkeen arvostus M4M
Talousasiat M4M
Tuloksia | 2019 | Dynamiikka |