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SJW Group Common Stock

Nykyinen hinta
52.67 USD +0.18 USD (+0.34%)
Viimeksi suljettu 53.29 USD
ISIN US7843051043
Sektori Yleishyödylliset palvelut
Teollisuus Utilities – säännelty vesi
Vaihto NYSE
Pääomitus 1 669 325 696 USD
Tuotto 12 kuukautta. -7.14 %
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021

SJW Group, through its subsidiaries, provides water utility and other related services in the United States. It operates in Water Utility Services and Real Estate Services segments. The company engages in the production, purchase, storage, purification, distribution, wholesale, and retail sale of water and wastewater services; and supplies groundwater from wells, surface water from watershed run-off and diversion, reclaimed water, and imported water purchased from the Santa Clara Valley Water District. It also offers non-tariffed services, including water system operations, maintenance agreements, and antenna site leases; contracted services, sewer operations, and other water related services to water utilities; and a Linebacker protection plan for public drinking water customers in Connecticut and Maine. In addition, the company provides water service to approximately 232,400 connections that serve approximately one million people residing in portions of the cities of San Jose and Cupertino and in the cities of Campbell, Monte Sereno, Saratoga, and the Town of Los Gatos; adjacent unincorporated territories in the County of Santa Clara in the State of California; water service to approximately 141,000 service connections, which serve approximately 461,000 people in 81 municipalities with a service area of approximately 272 square miles in Connecticut and Maine and approximately 3,000 wastewater connections in Southbury, Connecticut; approximately 28,000 service connections that serve approximately 83,000 people in a service area comprising approximately 271 square miles in the region between San Antonio and Austin, Texas; and approximately 950 wastewater connections. Further, it owns undeveloped land in California and Tennessee; commercial and warehouse properties in Tennessee; and commercial properties and parcels of land in Connecticut. The company was formerly known as SJW Corp. and changed its name to SJW Group in November 2016. SJW Group was incorporated in 1985 and is headquartered in San Jose, California. Address: 110 West Taylor Street, San Jose, CA, United States, 95110

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WallStreetin tavoitehinta

64.33 USD




3.08 %

Kuluva vuosi

+670 363 000 USD

Edellinen vuosi

+620 698 000 USD

Nykyinen vuosineljännes

+225 063 000 USD

Viimeinen vuosineljännes

+176 174 000 USD

Kuluva vuosi

+388 434 000 USD

Edellinen vuosi

+357 174 000 USD

Nykyinen vuosineljännes

+120 845 000 USD

Viimeinen vuosineljännes

+77 338 000 USD

Avainluvut SJW

1 vuosi
3 vuotta
5 vuotta
10 vuotta
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
EBITDA 279 239 008 USD
Toimintakate TTM 26.35 %
PE-suhde 18.12
Tuotto varoille TTM 2.47 %
PEG-suhde 3.83
Tuotto omalle pääomalle TTM 7.05 %
Wall Streetin tavoitehinta 64.33 USD
Tulot TTM 721 956 992 USD
Kirjanpitoarvo 40.14 USD
Tulot osaketta kohden TTM
Osinkotuotto 1.58 USD
Kvartaalinen liikevaihdon kasvu YOY 9.90 %
Osinkotuotto 3.08 %
Bruttovoitto TTM 357 174 000 USD
Osakekohtainen tulos 2.77 USD
Laimennettu EPS TTM 2.77 USD
Viimeisin kvartaali III 2024
Kvartaalinen tuloksen kasvu YOY 3.50 %
Käyttökate 12.47 %

Osinkoanalytiikka SJW

Aristokraatti - 25 tai useamman peräkkäisen vuoden osingonkorotukset

Max Ratio

>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.

5.49 %

Osinkojen kasvu 5 vuoden aikana

33.00 %

Jatkuva kasvu

31 vuosi

Maksusuhde 5 vuoden keskiarvo

58.00 %

Osinkohistoria SJW

1 vuosi
3 vuotta
5 vuotta
10 vuotta
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Osinkopäivä 04.11.2024
Dividend CAGR 3Y 5.57 %
Dividend CAGR 5Y 5.92 %
Dividend CAGR 10Y 7.84 %
Consecutive Years 31
Consistent Years 31
Continuous Dividends 45
Ennustettu vuosittainen osinkotuotto 3.19 %
Ennustettu vuosittainen osinko 1.60 USD
Viimeisin jakosuhde 2:1
Maksusuhde 57.97 %
Viimeisin jakopäivä 17.03.2006

Osakkeen arvostus SJW

1 vuosi
3 vuotta
5 vuotta
10 vuotta
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Trailing PE 18.12
Ennustettu PE 16.89
Yritysarvon tulosuhde 4.76
Hinta/tulot TTM 2.31
Yritysarvo/EBITDA 12.12
Hinta/kirjanpitoarvo MRQ 1.25

Talousasiat SJW

1 vuosi
3 vuotta
5 vuotta
10 vuotta
15 vuotta
Tuloksia 2019 Dynamiikka
* Tämän ajanjakson tietoja ei ole vielä julkaistu

Tekniset indikaattorit SJW

52 viikon ajalta

48.84 USD 65.26 USD
50 päivän MA 55.41 USD
Lyhyet osakkeet edellinen kuukausi 887 446
200 päivän MA 56.35 USD
Lyhytsuhde 2.47
Lyhyet osakkeet 543 266
Lyhytsuhdeprosentti 1.97 %