Residential Secure Income plc
RESIResidential Secure Income plc (LSE: RESI) is a real estate investment trust (REIT) focused on delivering secure, inflation-linked returns with a focus on two resident sub-sectors in UK residential - independent retirement rentals and shared ownership - underpinned by an ageing demographic and untapped and strong demand for affordable homeownership. As at 31 March 2024, ReSI's investment portfolio comprises c3,000 properties, with an (unaudited) IFRS fair value of £317mn5. ReSI's purpose is to deliver affordable, high-quality, safe homes with great customer service and long-term stability of tenure for residents. We achieve this through meeting demand from housing developers, housing associations, local authorities, and private developers for long-term investment partners to accelerate the development of socially and economically beneficial affordable housing. ReSI's subsidiary, ReSI Housing Limited, is registered as a for-profit Registered Provider of social housing, and so provides a unique proposition to its housing developer partners, being a long-term private sector landlord within the social housing regulatory environment. As a Registered Provider, ReSI Housing can acquire affordable housing subject to s106 planning restrictions and housing funded by government grant. Address: The Pavilions, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS13 8FD