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Bank of Japan

Preço atual
26 000.00 JPY 0 JPY (0.00%)
Fechado pela última vez 26 010.00 JPY
ISIN JP3699200006
Setor Serviços financeiros
Indústria Bancos-Regionais
Intercâmbio Tokyo Stock Exchange
Capitalização 25 543 884 223 JPY
Rendimento para 12 mês -25.29 %
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021

Bank of Japan operates as the central bank in Japan. The company's activities include deciding and implementing monetary policy; ensuring settlement of funds among banks and other financial institutions, thereby contributing to the maintenance of financial system stability; enhancement of payment and settlement systems, and market infrastructure; and issuance, circulation, and maintenance of banknotes and coins. It also offers foreign exchange transactions, including those executed as part of the bank's management of its foreign currency assets, as well as business related to assisting other central banks and international organizations in their investment in yen; and handling government affairs that relate to international finance, such as the compilation and dissemination of Japan's balance of payments statistics and foreign exchange intervention. In addition, the company provides various services relating to the government, such as receipt, disbursement, and accounting of treasury funds; management of the deposits of the Japanese government; custody of securities acquired by or submitted to the government; issuance of, and principal and interest payment on, Japanese government securities; and operations relating to its role as the book entry transfer institution in the Japanese government bond book-entry system. Further, it releases the minutes of monetary policy meetings and public statements on the policy board decisions in a timely manner for communication with the public. Additionally, the company operates branches, local offices, and overseas representative offices. Bank of Japan was founded in 1882 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Address: 2-1-1 Nihonbashi-Hongokucho, Tokyo, Japan, 103-0021

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Preço Alvo de Wall Street

Rácio P/E

Rendimento de dividendos

Ano atual

+4 786 589 304 157 JPY

Ano passado

+3 408 855 408 948 JPY

Trimestre Atual

+1 539 137 662 526 JPY

Ultimo quarto

+769 568 831 337 JPY

Ano atual

+4 727 057 733 671 JPY

Ano passado

+3 408 855 408 948 JPY

Trimestre Atual

+3 322 889 274 390 JPY

Ultimo quarto

+769 568 831 337 JPY

Figuras chave 8301

1 ano
3 anos
5 anos
10 anos
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Margem Operacional TTM 94.14 %
Rácio P/E
Retorno Sobre Ativos TTM 0.29 %
Rácio PEG
Retorno Sobre Patrimônio TTM 39.99 %
Preço Alvo de Wall Street
Receita TTM 3 964 632 375 173 JPY
Valor Patrimonial
Receita por Ação TTM
Dividendo por Ação
Crescimento Trimestral da Receita YOY -26.70 %
Rendimento de dividendos
Lucro Bruto TTM 3 962 236 856 446 JPY
Lucro por ação
Lucro por Ação Diluído TTM
Trimestre Mais Recente I 2024
Crescimento Trimestral dos Lucros YOY
Margem de Lucro 54.62 %

Análise de Dividendos 8301

Max Ratio

>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.

Crescimento de dividendos em 5 anos

Crescimento contínuo

Taxa de pagamento em média de 5 anos

Histórico de Dividendos 8301

1 ano
3 anos
5 anos
10 anos
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Data Ex-Dividendo
Dividend CAGR 3Y
Dividend CAGR 5Y
Dividend CAGR 10Y
Consecutive Years
Consistent Years
Continuous Dividends
Rendimento Anual de Dividendo Projetado
Taxa Anual de Dividendo Projetada – JPY
Fator do Último Desdobramento
Rácio de Distribuição
Data do Último Desdobramento

Avaliação de ações 8301

1 ano
3 anos
5 anos
10 anos
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
P/E Trailing
P/E Forward
Valor da Empresa sobre Receita
Preço sobre Vendas TTM 0.0064
Valor da Empresa sobre EBITDA
Preço sobre Valor Patrimonial MRQ

Relatório 8301

1 ano
3 anos
5 anos
10 anos
15 anos
Resultados 2019 Dinâmica
* Os dados para este período ainda não foram publicados

Indicadores técnicos 8301

Por 52 semanas

24 004.74 JPY 37 393.32 JPY
Média Móvel de 50 Dias 25 430.03 JPY
Ações Vendidas a Descoberto Mês Anterior
Média Móvel de 200 Dias 27 342.02 JPY
Rácio de Posições Curtas
Ações Vendidas a Descoberto
Percentual de Posições Curtas