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Energoinstal S.A.

Preço atual
2.63 PLN +0.57 PLN (+28.29%)
Fechado pela última vez 2.28 PLN
Setor Industriais
Indústria Máquinas industriais especiais
Intercâmbio Warsaw Stock Exchange
Capitalização 37 497 925 PLN
Rendimento para 12 mês -12.33 %
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021

Energoinstal S.A. engages in the manufacture and sale of power boilers in Poland and internationally. The company offers energy and industrial boilers, oil and gas burners, gas/oil pressure reducing-metering stations, finned tubes, steel structures, heat pipeline elements, pressure vessels, and cladded tubes; and ventilation and dust ducts, and non-typical industrial equipment, as well as air and ducts, including flaps. It also provides assembly, repair, and maintenance services for energy and industrial steam, and water boilers; biofuels steam boilers; waste treatment boilers and auxiliary equipment; oil/gas-fired boilers; heat recovery steam generators; coal-fired boilers; boiler houses; boilers/industrial buildings supporting structures; environmental protection equipment/systems; heat pipelines; central heating, water and sewage, process heat, and chilled water networks; ventilation, air conditioning, and dedusting networks; stainless steel products/systems in food, chemical, and construction industries; and thermal insulations. In addition, the company engages in the design and supervision of steel structures, power generation equipment, and technology installations; general contract works, such as construction of industrial plants, as well as CHP construction works; and undertakes research works in the field of material engineering, welding, and materials heat treatment. Further, it provides various metal properties testing and welded joints; and training services. Additionally, the company offers hybrid welding of sheet pile panels, laser-welded finned tube, and robot position for laser cutting solutions. It serves the energy and construction industries, as well as electrical machines markets. The company was founded in 1949 and is based in Katowice, Poland. Energoinstal S.A. is a subsidiary of W.A.M. Sp. z o.o. Address: Al. Rozdzienskiego 188d, Katowice, Poland, 40-203

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Preço Alvo de Wall Street

Rácio P/E

Rendimento de dividendos

Ano atual

+107 049 171 PLN

Ano passado

+73 183 251 PLN

Trimestre Atual

+15 014 745 PLN

Ultimo quarto

+13 647 997 PLN

Ano atual

+16 253 968 PLN

Ano passado

-13 312 153 PLN

Trimestre Atual

+341 686 PLN

Ultimo quarto

+713 550 PLN

Figuras chave ENI

1 ano
3 anos
5 anos
10 anos
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
EBITDA -1 237 274 PLN
Margem Operacional TTM -17.64 %
Rácio P/E
Retorno Sobre Ativos TTM -2.23 %
Rácio PEG
Retorno Sobre Patrimônio TTM -23.56 %
Preço Alvo de Wall Street
Receita TTM 71 799 957 PLN
Valor Patrimonial 2.27 PLN
Receita por Ação TTM
Dividendo por Ação
Crescimento Trimestral da Receita YOY -44.00 %
Rendimento de dividendos
Lucro Bruto TTM 4 762 197 PLN
Lucro por ação -0.55 PLN
Lucro por Ação Diluído TTM -0.55 PLN
Trimestre Mais Recente III 2024
Crescimento Trimestral dos Lucros YOY -69.00 %
Margem de Lucro -14.00 %

Análise de Dividendos ENI

Max Ratio

>10 - expected double digit dividend yield on cost over 10Y >5 - expected 5-9 dividend yield on cost over 10Y <5 - expected <5 dividend yield on cost over 10Y MaxRatio is an estimated 10Y dividend yield on cost calculated by combining the current dividend yield with the 5-year & 10-year average dividend growth rate, projected over the next 10 years discounted based on current Financial Score. It provides a projected outlook on future dividend returns.

Crescimento de dividendos em 5 anos

Crescimento contínuo

Taxa de pagamento em média de 5 anos

Histórico de Dividendos ENI

1 ano
3 anos
5 anos
10 anos
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
Data Ex-Dividendo 16.08.2016
Dividend CAGR 3Y
Dividend CAGR 5Y
Dividend CAGR 10Y
Consecutive Years 0
Consistent Years 0
Continuous Dividends 5
Rendimento Anual de Dividendo Projetado
Taxa Anual de Dividendo Projetada – PLN
Fator do Último Desdobramento
Rácio de Distribuição
Data do Último Desdobramento

Avaliação de ações ENI

1 ano
3 anos
5 anos
10 anos
21.11.2021 - 28.11.2021
P/E Trailing
P/E Forward
Valor da Empresa sobre Receita 0.78
Preço sobre Vendas TTM 0.52
Valor da Empresa sobre EBITDA 21.05
Preço sobre Valor Patrimonial MRQ 0.95

Relatório ENI

1 ano
3 anos
5 anos
10 anos
15 anos
Resultados 2019 Dinâmica
* Os dados para este período ainda não foram publicados

Indicadores técnicos ENI

Por 52 semanas

0.92 PLN 3.97 PLN
Média Móvel de 50 Dias 2.18 PLN
Ações Vendidas a Descoberto Mês Anterior
Média Móvel de 200 Dias 1.94 PLN
Rácio de Posições Curtas
Ações Vendidas a Descoberto
Percentual de Posições Curtas