Individual entrepreneur Diakonov Maksim Sergeevich (legal entity registered in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, OGRN, 318774600266905 INN, 503010875297 legal address: 108811, Russia, Moscow, Moscow, Atlasova st. 3 is the owner of the software/website («Website»). Individual entrepreneur Diakonov Maksim Sergeevich devotes himself to protecting your safety, and we understand that you want to keep your information confidential. This Privacy Policy is designed to help you understand whether you should use this software/website and how we collect, store, and use personal information.

Consent to the use of information

This Privacy Policy is a legally binding agreement between you («You» or «Subscriber») and Individual Entrepreneur Diakonov Maksim Sergeevich.

Using our software/website, you consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy. We recommend that you carefully review this Privacy Policy and from time to time refer to this Policy to keep abreast of any changes, if any. If you do not agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy, please stop using our software/website immediately. Definitions in terms of use refer to this privacy policy unless otherwise specified. In addition to this Privacy Policy, please read our License Agreement, incorporated in full herein by reference, together with other Policies that you may be notified of from time to time.

What information does collect?

We collect two types of data and information from you:

(a) Information that is not personal - stores some information such as approximate geographic location, your web query, browser type, browser language, web pages you visit before or after visiting our website, URLs, platform type, number of clicks, landing pages, pages being viewed and the order of those pages, time spent on the pages. This information is collected and preserved for both security and verification and statistical tracking purposes, as well as for auditing our partners and calculating payments to third parties.

(b) Персональная информация — это тип информации, который может относиться как частного, так и конфиденциального характера. К данной информации можно отнести адрес электронной почты и IP-адрес. Некоторые данные, которые относятся к персональной информации, собираются, когда Вы регистрируетесь. Вы также можете создать учетную запись, используя свои учетные данные с других сайтов («Аккаунт третьего лица»), таких, как Facebook® или Linkedin®. Это позволит вам связать свой аккаунт и ваш Аккаунт третьего лица. Если Вы выбираете регистрацию через данную опцию, необходимо подтвердить согласие путем нажатия на всплывающее окно. В данном окне будет описана информация, которую мы получим от Аккаунта третьего лица. Данная информация будет включать персональную информацию, такую как имя пользователя, адрес электронной почты, изображение профиля, пол, день рождения и предпочтения. Для того, чтобы получить доступ к сайту/программному обеспечению, пользователя могут попросить заполнить форму с вопросами. Ответы на вопросы по персональной информации, не являются обязательными, если поля, не отмеченные звездочкой. Предоставление информации, запрашиваемой в дополнительных полях регистрационной формы, не является обязательным для того, чтобы получить доступ услугам и к сайту (если иное не указано в регистрационной форме). Тем не менее, неспособность заполнить обязательные поля или предоставление неправильной личной информация, может помешать нам обеспечить корректное предоставление сервиса.

What is the purpose of collecting this information?

We collect the information above in order to provide you with the best service. Information that is not confidential is collected for research and statistical purposes. This information helps us to develop, configure and improve the service. Also, Personal Information allows us to provide you with technical assistance and support.

Who else gets this information?

We do not transfer information to third parties, aside from transferring personal information and payment details to the acquiring bank.

Right to access, change, revoke

You have the right to access your personal information in your personal account. In your personal account, you can fix, update

or change personal information. These changes take effect immediately.

Privacy and Security

The Company takes all technical and organizational security measures to ensure the reliable storage of your personal data, as well as protection against illegal destruction or accidental loss, change, or unauthorized disclosure. Technological progress means that the security measures for the protection of personal data on the site are constantly being improved.

Changes in Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be modified from time to time at our discretion. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will take effect as soon as the new version of the Privacy Policy is posted on Your use of the site services, or the provision of personal information after any changes, means that you agree to an updated version of the Privacy Policy.

Individual entrepreneur Diakonov Maksim Sergeevich uses cookies in order to improve the quality of the product.

«Cookies» are small files containing information about previous visits to the website.

If you do not want to use cookies, change your browser settings.

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124.92 USD NVIDIA Corporation +4.77 (+3.97%)
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2857.65 USD Gold -0.2 (-0.01%)
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