Авторский курс Максима Дьяконова, основателя BeatMarket
¡Lo llevaremos desde cero hasta la cartera de acciones diversificada ideal en menos de UNA semana!
Paso a paso, en palabras sencillas y apoyo constante.
Los portafolios de nuestros estudiantes mostraron un crecimiento del 31,9% en 2023
Sólo un enfoque razonable y una inversión a largo plazo le permitirán crear una cartera equilibrada que le proporcionará unos ingresos estables.
El curso BeatStart de BeatMarket es más que una inversión en acciones. Esta es la filosofía de los ricos.
Los principiantes formaron su primera cartera de acciones y se convirtieron en inversores después del curso BeatStart.
aquellos que permanecieron en BeatMarket después del curso BeatStart pudieron recibir ahorros que excedieron sus ingresos mensuales en 3 o más veces durante el primer año.
de los registrados en BeatMarket ya están siguiendo un camino que aumentará sus ingresos al menos 2 veces durante los próximos 2 años
de quienes utilizan regularmente BeatMarket podrán comprar su propia casa para diversificar sus ingresos en los próximos 5 años
de los que estén registrados y permanezcan en BeatMarket obtendrán independencia financiera en los próximos 20 años (dejarán de trabajar y vivirán de dividendos), y el 10% de ellos se convertirán en millonarios
Hi. I don't know much about investing, but I understand that I need to save up a portion of my income regularly. I don't have time for market research, not really interested.
BeatMarket showed me how to adapt the platform to my needs, how to set up filters, and how to select promising stocks. Since early 2022, I have tried to invest small sums in stocks every other month. My limited experience with BeatMarket tells me that I can make safe investments without being an investor by profession.
Cartera 0 Euro
después del cursoCartera 650 Euro
rentabilidad de la cartera+22,6%
A year ago, I started investing in three companies. A year later, I lost 30% of my portfolio in one week, panicked and closed all positions. Emotionally driven, I even decided that investing was not my thing. All the video courses that I have watched were very general and basically nudged investors toward BTFD every time, which I suspect is just one of the many possible strategies on the market.
Since my time constraints and stress tolerance do not allow me to actively enjoy day trading, I decided to try something new with BeatMarket. It has worked great so far: I have multiple recommended stocks to choose from and several strategies to compare side by side. Also, I have had the chance to talk with BeatMarket's CEO, who seems to be a genuine and thoughtful guy.
Cartera 0 Euro
después del cursoCartera 1830 Euro
rentabilidad de la cartera+38,4%
As a real-world example of an incel and workaholic, I enjoy earning money and stashing green. I missed the hook-up culture and the NFT hype train: there are better ways to enjoy life, IMO. My first investment decision was to buy some ETFs. I have spent several months trying to understand investing in single stocks. Pretty confident that I know what I am doing because I always like to start slow with a new thing and gradually build up my confidence.
Two conversations on the Beatmarket Discord chat support my initial hunch about single stocks. So I decided the guys were all right and contacted BeatMarket. We figured out how to allocate my funds for better performance. They explained to me how to pick stocks using the Beatmarket scoring system. As a new subscriber, I keep learning the platform's capabilities…
Cartera 0 Euro
después del cursoCartera 600 Euro
rentabilidad de la cartera+25,2%
Todos pueden invertir
No necesitas mucho capital para empezar a invertir.
Con la ayuda de inversiones puedes ahorrar y aumentar tus ahorros.