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Bonded dAMM
BDAMMPrice Schedule
Bonded dAMM is wrapped dAMM, which will be redeemable 1:1 for dAMM after October 31st, 2022. bdAMM is the platform and governance token of the dAMM Finance protocol, available at damm.finance. What is dAMM Finance? dAMM Finance is an institutional lending and borrowing protocol for any token. Our platform allows lenders to get complete visual access to borrower activity — all interactions across pools on dApps (decentralized applications) are visible and can be monitored as required. Each institution must undergo an extensive KYC (Know Your Customer) process and credit analysis using Credora, a third-party credit risk analysis (CRA) platform. By instituting this level of visibility, it discourages malicious actors or entities from participating in irresponsible practices that we’ve witnessed in the past.