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Bitcoin Cash BCH
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Current price
0.0014 USD 0 USD (0.00%)
Stock Type Cryptocurrency
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Price Schedule

07.03.2025 - 14.03.2025

We’re in the new ERA of digital currency adapt or get left behind. ERA adapts by proving users with key fundamental utilities that are catered to help every type of investor. Desinged to be easily accessible. UTILITIES: EraLocker: EraLocker is made for all source of users and was built to help beginners lock their token pools easier with lower fees with brief commands on the site for actions such as locking, removing or adding liquidity. EraScanner: EraScanner is to create safety in the crypto space quickly auditing and checking the safety of contracts to prevent malicious intent towards investors. EraNFTs EraNFTs made to spread awareness of the ever growing next gen and to bring exposure to our utilities further expanding our safe space. Fees will be used for utilities improvements and buring the $ERA supply. These utilities we bring to the project will be accompanied by viral marketing to ensure the growth and awareness of the project. We are aiming to market this globally and bring in investors to use our locker which will comprise of burning and buyback functions within it. Currently the NFTs are being made which will be used for the further burning as well so that the ecosystem for ERA is fully functional. Our vision is to inherently create a project which comprises of virality and humour to ensure that the community will stay interested. We will ensure we market this project such that it brings an atmosphere of joy within all investors. More information will continue to be provided as we reach certain milestones of the project and utilise the budget to further our utilities.

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0.00017 USD 01coin -0.0000021 USD (-1.22%)
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0.024 USD 1MillionNFTs 0 USD (0.00%)
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0.000014 USD 300FIT 0 USD (0.00%)
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0.00017 USD 01coin -0.0000021 USD (-1.22%)
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0.024 USD 1MillionNFTs 0 USD (0.00%)
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