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Kitsune Mask
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KITESUNE MASK Kitesune are regarded as Inari gods in Japan and they are messengers between humans and gods. People has custom of divination by using them, which wearing a kitesune mask is to hope to have this power. During the harvest, when people dance crazily to worship the gods, the gods will grant a lucky person to wear a kitesune mask.Gods give the decision to the wearer about whether it is a demon fox or a white fox. That depends on the wearer's soul. The hope for a harvest feast is also greed. This divine power comes from a dragon, which is not only a kitesune mask, but also the developers. Their source of strength comes from there.People always worship the kitesune mask. What the kitesune mask tells people is the real power comes from their own hearts. The strength of the wearer comes from themselves. The messenger of the gods just gives the scepter to people themselves.