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MT Token

Current price
0.000030 USD +0.000012 USD (+66.28%)
Stock Type Cryptocurrency
Official Website
Hashing Algorithm
Position among cryptocurrencies by capitalization
Trading Volume 12 USD

Price Schedule

06.03.2025 - 13.03.2025

We are here to bring a brand new metaverse platform that revolves around lifestyle, interactions (with influencers & brands), and gaming, allowing people to make new social connections, meet brands, and create their own virtual world. Users will run life as an avatar, and some even as virtual influencers and - what happens in MT Tower - can also be shared on all social media 2.0 platforms. We want to break the rules of traditional social media, and bring people a new web 3.0 / metaverse driven social platform with culture, engagement, virtual experiences, and content such for them to create their own fame and influence. MT Tower is aiming to expand beyond existing social platforms, and has the ability to do just that with tokens, entertainment, and immersive experiences. MT Token will be the currency of this ecosystem that will allow purchases such as new avatar gear and other modifications. There are also other uses planned such as promotional and other transactional ones. We are planning to launch the avatar builder first, towards the end of Q4 2022 / beginning of Q1 2023 and build out the metaverse platform across 2023. In addition to offering influencers a new away to engage with users and users with them, the platform will introduce new way in which brands can interact with users. We are calling this Social Media 3.0 as it takes the experience beyond just video, images, or text and will introduce more ways to interreact.

Coin Gecko rank
Coin Gecko score
Changes for 24 hour -0.000000064 USD (-0.21 %)
0.000030 USD (low) 0.000030 USD (high)

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