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On November 27, 2021, we hightlited Cummins shares. If you had bought these shares, they would have brought you 27% more profit than SP500 index during the same time
At the same time, we hightlited stocks of Hormel Foods Corporation. If you bought these shares, they would now bring you 28.4% profit compared to the SP500 index
In October 2022, we highlighted the shares of W.W. Grainger Inc. Grainger Inc, that grew up 13% in next month
All Time | January, 22 | February, 22 | March, 22 | April, 22 | May, 22 | June, 22 | |
Companies with BMS 90+ | +10.12% | -1.11% | -1.11% | -1.11% | -1.11% | -1.11% | -1.11% |
Companies with BMS 60- | +10.12% | -1.11% | -1.11% | -1.11% | -1.11% | -1.11% | -1.11% |
Dividend Yield
Price Returns Annually
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