Broker comparison table

Terms \ Brokers
Main office

Ireland | USA

Bulgaria | Great Britain

Australia | Cyprus

Great Britain

Germany | Cyprus

How many years has he been working?

From 1977

From 2004

From 2006

From 2015

From 2008


0.005$ , but not less 1$

1$ (Temporarily), but not less 1$

0$ (Temporarily)

0.25$ , but not less 1$

0.02$ , but not less 2$

Min. commission



0$ temporarily



Details about the commission Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions Commissions
Cash insurance

to 250 000$

to 100 000$

to 250 000$

to 250 000$

to 20 000$

Available markets

Oceania, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, USA, Japan

Oceania, Great Britain, USA



Europe, USA

Replenishment method**

Bank transfer

Bank transfer, Bank card, ApplePay, GooglePay

Bank transfer, Bank card, Paypal, Skrill

Bank transfer, Bank card

Bank transfer, Bank card

Details on how to add funds Direct transfer Direct transfer Direct transfer Direct transfer Direct transfer

*commission is an approximate summary of the average tariffs of the specified brokers. You can see all the details by clicking on the link in the next column.

**replenishment are approximate methods for quick assessment. Full information on the link in the adjacent column on the right

Terms \ Brokers
Main office

Ireland | USA


How many years has he been working?

From 1977

From 2013


0.005$ , but not less 1$


Min. commission



Details about the commission Commissions Commissions
Cash insurance

to 250 000$

to 250 000$

Available markets

Oceania, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, USA, Japan


Replenishment method**

Bank transfer

Bank transfer, Bank card

Details on how to add funds Direct transfer Direct transfer

*commission is an approximate summary of the average tariffs of the specified brokers. You can see all the details by clicking on the link in the next column.

**replenishment are approximate methods for quick assessment. Full information on the link in the adjacent column on the right

Terms \ Brokers
Main office

Ireland | USA

How many years has he been working?

From 1977


0.005$ , but not less 1$

Min. commission


Details about the commission Commissions
Cash insurance

to 250 000$

Available markets

Oceania, Australia, Great Britain, Canada, USA, Japan

Replenishment method**

Bank transfer

Details on how to add funds Direct transfer

*commission is an approximate summary of the average tariffs of the specified brokers. You can see all the details by clicking on the link in the next column.

**replenishment are approximate methods for quick assessment. Full information on the link in the adjacent column on the right

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137.71 USD NVIDIA Corporation +4.14 (+3.1%)
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ETF funds



205.25 CHF UBS SLI A-dis +0.93 (+0.42%)
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2724.88 USD Gold +16.65 (+0.61%)
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