After I do it or what to do when the euphoria has passed



In 2019, I finished the IronMan. This is a kind of triathlon, when you first swim 4 km in the open sea, then ride a bike 180 km, and immediately after that you run a marathon. Another 42 km. And all this must be done in one day, within 15 hours.

Why did I do that? Whether this is true within the framework of logic alone. There was such a goal, I wanted it for a long time, it helps well later, when it seems impossible, you remember and it is understood that everything is possible.

What’s the point of this. The training path took 3 years. Training 6 days a week, an average of 2.5 hours and a peak of 5-6 hours. Sometimes there were 2 workouts a day.

3 years is a fairly long period of life, especially during the transition from 20 to 30, conditionally. Someone gets sick, someone dies, someone is born.

So many events have happened in my 3 years of preparation that it will be enough for a lifetime.

I could have quit many times, but I didn’t. During this period, our first child was born. We moved into our own large apartment, which we had dreamed of for many years. My dad died a couple of months before the start.

Two days before the start, the whole family got poisoned and called an ambulance at night. And many more different things.

Before and After

You probably noticed how I divided the events into “before the start” and the countdown. And when, after almost 13 hours of competition, I heard at the finish line: You are an Iron Man!

My wife and I cried. It was the culmination of all those three years that we’ve been through. 💪 (

Every time things went wrong, the goal to become IronMan support and motivate do not stop.

But do you know when it’s really hard? Not before, not during, but after. Because “after” life goes on and on.

But it can be extremely difficult to find a new motivation.

The same thing happens with any activity. Almost always.

First euphoria, then recession, and then, either the end or smooth progress. It depends on what drives the action.

Motivation in investing

It works the same way with investments. When you manage to find a foothold and the result is fast and visible, euphoria sets in.

If all this is happening in a growing market, then it is generally intoxicating. But after that, the second stage will always come.

The stage when you need to twist until euphoria becomes a habit, and a new spring will come after the coming autumn. When something becomes a habit, everything is much easier.

💡So, in order to spin without suffering, be ready to answer yourself – why. Answer in such a way that you smile after hearing what you have heard and redouble your efforts.


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