Sunday Coffee: Dividends for Life. Inflation-Proof Your Retirement


No matter what your retirement plans look like, dividends can help you get there

Most folks were never taught how to invest for dividends, even though it’s one of the oldest income-generating strategies—over 400 years old, in fact.

If you want to retire comfortably, it’s crucial to take control of your financial future. Your fate is in your own hands, and dividends should absolutely be part of that conversation.

Dividend investing?

Dividend investing allows you to build a portfolio that grows over time and generates an increasing income stream. Even better, dividends can supplement and supercharge your dream retirement.

When should you start investing in dividends?

Ideally, the moment you turn 18 and open a brokerage account. But let’s be real, most of us didn’t get that head start. So the next best time is today.

Dividend investing is one of the most rewarding and addictive habits you can develop. The sooner you start, the faster you’ll fall in love with the process.

I’m confident that in 20 years, my dividend income will surpass my potential pension income. Why? Because I control the power of compounding in my dividend portfolio. Here’s what I mean.

I have no control over my future pension growth. Each year, my government pension adjusts for inflation based on the same metrics used for Social Security.

This typically amounts to a 2-3% annual increase, so over the next 30 years, I’ll see some decent growth.

But here’s the kicker: my dividend portfolio will grow exponentially faster than any inflation-adjusted pension. Plus, I’m in the driver’s seat when it comes to how my dividend portfolio performs.

Dividends vs. inflation

There are three key ways to grow your dividend income: dividend reinvestment, dividend increases, and adding fresh capital.

  • Dividend reinvestment is critical for long-term success. At a minimum, you should aim to reinvest 25% of your dividends, but if you don’t need the income, reinvest everything.
  • Dividend increases are like magic. As a dividend growth investor, you’ll regularly see companies hike their payouts. Meanwhile, income investors will also benefit from supplemental and special dividends.
  • Adding new capital to your portfolio is the ultimate power move. Every time you inject fresh cash, you’re boosting your future income.

Bottom Line

Who doesn’t want to take their kids and grandkids to exciting trip? Who doesn’t want to eat out at a fancy restaurant without worrying about the bill?

If you want to live large, you’ve got to think big. I want to live a life of abundance while staying true to who I am. I don’t need fame or fortune, just a steady stream of dividends.

At the end of the day, it’s all about family. My wife and I already have enough, but we want to be prepared for anything. The more resources we have, the more we can help our kids and grandkids.

And, of course, I wouldn’t mind an all-expenses-paid trip to anywhere in the world, courtesy of my dividends.

And that’s where MaxDividends comes in.

Predictability in important things is the foundation of peace of mind. Peace of mind is the basis of financial well-being. MaxDividends is all about peace of mind.

We’re building the best app in the world for dividend investors to help everyone on the way retire early and live off dividends.

Would you join MaxDividends App early adopter community?

👉 Click here to follow MaxDividends strategy with MaxDividends App and live off dividends, retire early

🟢 MaxDividends App Weekly Update

Last week we were busy organizing the workspace for the launch of the MaxDividends app.

Together with the first early adopters, we discussed in the chat the creation of a project map so that it would be easy to share a new ideas and see what tasks are currently in progress.

I am very happy that we managed to create the first sketches and share them with the participants of the early adopters chat of our dividend app. The guys like what we do!

In the coming week, we are preparing the release of several interesting tools that will become available to early users. I will keep you updated!

Sunday Coffee is a column where I share insights on stock investing and the philosophy of long-term investment, discuss intriguing thoughts and ideas that could benefit you.

All Sunday Coffee posts you can find here

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Sharing it around with like-minded people and hitting the ❤️ button. This will help me bringing in more & more independent investment research about passive income based on investing in solid high yield dividend growth stocks: from a small startup team of private investors, followers of DGI and F.I.R.E with dividend income, not a fund, bank or so … !

Best regards Max Dividends

MaxDividends is subscriber’s supported newsletter with community and community member’s tools to start building long-term growing passive income to live off dividends.

What is MaxDividends?

  1. MaxDividends App

Our Mission: Help & Support Everyone on the way Retire Early and Live off Dividends.

  1. Dividend Stocks of the Week: Top 10 Undervalued, High-Yield & Dividend Growth stocks every week

To boost your passive income for living off dividends. 👉 See example

  1. Easy Peasy: Build Your MaxDividends Portfolio to Live Off Dividends with Pre-Selected Stock Sets

Grab ready-made MaxDividends Stock Sets starting at $300, $500, or $1000 each week. 👉 See example

  1. RoadMap to live off dividends

Ready-to-go step by step weekly Guide to Achieving Financial Freedom. 👉 See example

  1. Max Dividends portfolio: Goal $12,000 monthly for 120 months

My personal MaxDividends portfolio with all changes and updates weekly. 👉 See example

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👉 What is MaxDividends project idea?

👉 What is MaxDividends strategy?

👉 How do you choose MaxDividends stocks?

👉 How well does the MaxDividends strategy work for building a growing passive income?

👉 One more secret sauce of MaxDividends strategy

👉 MaxDividends Roadmap to Early Retirement with Living Off Dividends

🙏 We’re not Wall Street managers or a fund, and our fee for using the product will be the lowest in the world. We’re a startup and a group of individual investors who, like you, want to live off dividends.

Profit isn’t the project’s main goal. Once we cover the costs of maintenance and development, we’ll direct most of our earnings to charity and funds for research and fighting complex diseases.


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