Platinum Price Forecast & Long-term Predictions

Investing in platinum is different from investing in other precious metals. It is primarily an industrial and jewelry commodity rather than an investment asset. It is essential to consider the smaller volume of the market. This applies to both spot trading and futures transactions.

By its properties, this metal somewhat resembles gold. Due to what it is proper for jewelry manufacturing. Also platinoids are used in industry. However, with a few exceptions, their application is limited to the production of catalytic converters. Therefore, the price of platinum is highly dependent on the car market situation.

Diversification is the main purpose of adding such an asset to your portfolio. It is also proper for betting on a weakening dollar.

1 year
3 years

Key Findings

Key information on the platinum price outlook is summarized below:

Price Today


Price for next year 2024


Price for 2025


Long-term price 2025-2030


  • The cost of platinum is largely determined by the supply and demand balance. But market expectations of a recession are making serious adjustments.
  • The best time to invest in this metal is during periods of economic growth. During such periods, the demand for this metal is growing.
  • Platinum also plays an important role in hydrogen energy. Therefore, the development of the latter will lead to an increase in quotations.
  • The expectations for the next 4 weeks are neutral.

Platinum Price for Today


The price is steadily declining today. This is due to a decrease in demand from the Chinese industry. The expectation of recession in the global economy plays an equally important role. Discussions about production cuts and deficit have no impact on the market. But the strong dollar is putting pressure on the quotations of all metals.

Financial experts believe that bearish sentiment is evident. The predictions are negative. The popular recommendation is to sell or refrain from transactions with the asset. Investing in it on a short time horizon is a way of losing money rapidly.

Minimum forecast cost

943.83 USD

Maximum Forecast Value

1043.18 USD

% value change


Platinum Technical Analysis

To make a platinum price forecast, you can use technical analysis tools. To do so, there are such popular methods as:

Below is a recommendation to buy/sell this asset. It is based on the data of the most popular technical market analysis tools.

On the weekly time frame chart, the quotes reach the upper line of the Bollinger Bands indicator. RSI and MACD oscillators signal to buy. On the lower time frames there are also buy signals.

It allows experts to promise growth of quotations in the nearest months. There are reasons to believe that the upward trend observed since the beginning of February will continue. Platinum's rating is Strong Buy.

If the uptrend breaks, support levels may come at $928.2, $913.00, $901.10.

Fundamental analysis

There is a table with prices for the main metals below. It allows you to compare the dynamics of platinum quotations with gold etc.

Price Day Month Year Date
Gold 2373.74 USD -1.83 -0.077% +2.44% +20.87% 26.07.2024
Silver 27.84 USD -0.13 -0.46% -3.76% +13.17% 26.07.2024
Palladium 910.58 USD +7.16 +0.79% -2.53% -29.16% 26.07.2024
Platinum 943.96 USD +0.81 +0.086% -4.92% -2.62% 26.07.2024
Copper 4.13 USD +0.064 +1.57% -5.18% +5.53% 26.07.2024
Aluminum 2282.34 USD +9.30 +0.41% -8.46% +2.23% 26.07.2024
Zinc 2653.72 USD +14.93 +0.57% -6.66% +7.43% 26.07.2024
Nickel 15470 USD -380.00 -2.40% -9.74% -24.92% 25.07.2024

Where will be Platinum in 5 years


The analysts’ promises for 2024 and beyond is positive. Growing scarcity is the main driver of this. The reduction in consumption by industry is unlikely to compensate for it. Despite expectations, on the contrary, the demand for this metal is growing.

The World Platinum Investment Council issued another forecast in January 2024. According to WPIC, the shortage of the metal will soon amount to 12% of annual consumption. That is, it will be higher than last year. This allows us to hope that the current price will not last long.

Experts believe that quotations will start to grow. A steady upward trend is expected in the following years. Forecasts promise to bring the cost closer to the historical maximum. A number of experts are convinced that the potential of this metal has not been fully appreciated by the market.

Date Min forecast price Max forecast price Change
01.12.2024 938.119 USD 968.058 USD +9.13 USD (0.96%)
01.12.2025 919.417 USD 949.419 USD -18.67 USD (-2%)
01.12.2026 900.930 USD 930.573 USD -18.67 USD (-2.04%)
01.12.2027 882.316 USD 908.567 USD -20.31 USD (-2.27%)
01.12.2028 862.970 USD 886.198 USD -20.86 USD (-2.38%)
01.07.2029 910.857 USD 914.947 USD +38.32 USD (4.2%)

Platinum Price Prediction 2024


For 2024, experts are predicting a further decline in the value of this metal. Despite the imbalance of supply and demand, the market cannot believe in the value of this asset.

This moment can be considered proper for building up positions in the metal. However, it is possible only in 2 cases. First, when an investor is eager to make a quick profit on local rises. Second, with a long investment horizon (at least 5 years).

According to the expectations for 2024, a break of the bearish trend is unlikely. Only a short-term growth of quotations may be observed during this period.

Date Min forecast price Max forecast price Change
01.10.2024 939.838 USD 948.716 USD +0.32 USD (0.03%)
01.11.2024 945.753 USD 950.169 USD +3.68 USD (0.39%)
01.12.2024 938.119 USD 968.058 USD +5.13 USD (0.54%)

Platinum Price Prediction 2025


The outlook for 2025 is negative. As the experts believe, the year will be difficult for the whole market. It will be under the influence of bears due to geopolitical uncertainty.

All negative factors that affect platinum quotations are expected to persist. When production levels recover or consumption is reduced, the value of the metal will fall even further.

Date Min forecast price Max forecast price Change
01.01.2025 971.901 USD 1015.177 USD +49.58 USD (4.99%)
01.02.2025 1015.895 USD 1034.271 USD +31.54 USD (3.08%)
01.03.2025 1005.114 USD 1029.350 USD -7.85 USD (-0.77%)
01.04.2025 1018.101 USD 1039.739 USD +11.69 USD (1.14%)
01.05.2025 1026.534 USD 1033.969 USD +1.33 USD (0.13%)
01.06.2025 991.731 USD 1024.340 USD -22.22 USD (-2.2%)
01.07.2025 986.191 USD 990.977 USD -19.45 USD (-1.97%)
01.08.2025 968.079 USD 985.311 USD -11.89 USD (-1.22%)
01.09.2025 927.311 USD 975.861 USD -25.11 USD (-2.64%)
01.10.2025 920.592 USD 929.964 USD -26.31 USD (-2.84%)
01.11.2025 926.880 USD 931.209 USD +3.77 USD (0.41%)
01.12.2025 919.417 USD 949.419 USD +5.37 USD (0.58%)

Platinum Price Prediction 2026


A bearish trend awaits quotations in 2026. Many experts predict the metal to fall below the 2024-2025 positions. There are predictions that the price will be near five-year lows.

The main reasons for this are:

  1. growing interest in palladium as a replacement for platinum in catalysers;
  2. reduced production of diesel vehicles requiring platinum;
  3. negative expectations regarding the overall economic situation.
Date Min forecast price Max forecast price Change
01.01.2026 953.044 USD 995.904 USD +30.51 USD (3.13%)
01.02.2026 996.321 USD 1015.983 USD +31.68 USD (3.15%)
01.03.2026 986.458 USD 1011.949 USD -6.95 USD (-0.7%)
01.04.2026 999.716 USD 1020.733 USD +11.02 USD (1.09%)
01.05.2026 1008.896 USD 1015.270 USD +1.86 USD (0.18%)
01.06.2026 972.592 USD 1006.989 USD -22.29 USD (-2.25%)
01.07.2026 967.367 USD 972.874 USD -19.67 USD (-2.03%)
01.08.2026 949.144 USD 966.151 USD -12.47 USD (-1.3%)
01.09.2026 909.793 USD 956.858 USD -24.32 USD (-2.61%)
01.10.2026 901.529 USD 911.167 USD -26.98 USD (-2.98%)
01.11.2026 908.060 USD 912.180 USD +3.77 USD (0.41%)
01.12.2026 900.930 USD 930.573 USD +5.63 USD (0.61%)

Platinum Price Prediction 2027


Quotations are expected to decline significantly in 2027. This negative outlook is caused by a combination of factors. The key one is the belief that industrial demand for the metal will decline. The bearish trend will also be supported by investors' desire to use protective financial instruments.

Date Min forecast price Max forecast price Change
01.01.2027 931.026 USD 976.675 USD +9.89 USD (1.04%)
01.02.2027 976.862 USD 997.399 USD +33.28 USD (3.37%)
01.03.2027 968.162 USD 994.290 USD -5.9 USD (-0.6%)
01.04.2027 980.566 USD 1001.456 USD +9.78 USD (0.99%)
01.05.2027 989.531 USD 996.419 USD +1.96 USD (0.2%)
01.06.2027 954.701 USD 987.955 USD -21.65 USD (-2.23%)
01.07.2027 948.731 USD 954.859 USD -19.53 USD (-2.05%)
01.08.2027 930.417 USD 948.423 USD -12.38 USD (-1.32%)
01.09.2027 892.077 USD 937.642 USD -24.56 USD (-2.68%)
01.10.2027 882.688 USD 892.309 USD -27.36 USD (-3.08%)
01.11.2027 889.285 USD 893.424 USD +3.86 USD (0.43%)
01.12.2027 882.316 USD 908.567 USD +4.09 USD (0.46%)

Platinum Price Prediction 2028

For 2028, both bearish and bullish scenarios are being made. The WPIC predicts a deficit of 500,000 ounces in 2028, which will lead to a reduction in metal reserves and an increase in prices.

Target prices from various analysts include:

  • Long Forecast expects a peak price level of $1258 at the beginning of the year, followed by a gradual decline;
  • Coin Price Forecast predicts a rise to $1,429 by the end of 2028;
  • Macquarie predicts levels around $1250.

Bears anticipate that the growth rate of demand for the metal will slow down. This is expected to result in prices falling below $900. Additionally, bearish models take into account trends from the last decade, which was unfavorable for the market.

Date Min forecast price Max forecast price Change
01.01.2028 918.511 USD 957.500 USD -5.96 USD (-0.63%)
01.02.2028 957.431 USD 978.522 USD +29.97 USD (3.1%)
01.03.2028 949.317 USD 975.220 USD -5.71 USD (-0.59%)
01.04.2028 966.295 USD 982.456 USD +12.11 USD (1.24%)
01.05.2028 970.322 USD 977.432 USD -0.5 USD (-0.05%)
01.06.2028 933.746 USD 969.886 USD -22.06 USD (-2.32%)
01.07.2028 929.881 USD 933.745 USD -20 USD (-2.15%)
01.08.2028 911.907 USD 929.379 USD -11.17 USD (-1.21%)
01.09.2028 871.211 USD 918.410 USD -25.83 USD (-2.89%)
01.10.2028 864.100 USD 873.374 USD -26.07 USD (-3%)
01.11.2028 870.470 USD 874.720 USD +3.86 USD (0.44%)
01.12.2028 862.970 USD 886.198 USD +1.99 USD (0.23%)

Long-Term Platinum Price Forecast 2030 to 2050

Experts consider this metal to be an asset proper for the investment portfolio diversification. The long-term price forecast is positive. It is obvious that in 2050 its value will be much higher than the current one. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Increase in demand due to the transition to a "hydrogen economy". The term was coined as a counterbalance to the "hydrocarbon economy". According to eco-activists, hydrogen can completely replace fossil fuels. Platinum is needed to catalyze energy cells. It is believed that this application will replace its use in neutralisers for diesel powered vehicles.
  2. Reduced supply. The main reason is operational challenges at mines in South Africa. This region is the world's main platinum supplier. In addition, this metal reserves are much smaller than those of gold and silver.
  3. Rising investment demand. The correlation of securities has been increasing in recent years. Market participants are expected to see platinum as a way to diversify.

It is argued that the real commodity is a defense against the depreciation of the US dollar. This metal is generally not recommended as a way to save money during periods of high inflation. But its advantage is that it has intrinsic value. Its price cannot fall to zero.

Platinum Projections For Next 10 Years

The global platinum market size is projected to reach USD 11.95 billion by 2031.

During the next 10 years, experts foresee a long-term increase of the asset's quotations. Given its background, local or medium-term corrections are possible. In particular at the beginning of the decade. But eventually the drawdowns will be redeemed.

The consensus forecast for the value in 2033 is about $2000. That's about 140% higher than the current prices. Thus, this metal is unlikely to help boost capital much. The returns expected are not much higher than the broad stock market. And the risks involved are considerably higher.

On the horizon of 10 years, platinum can be considered only as a diversification tool. Nevertheless, some experts believe in the rapid development of green hydrogen energy. Under their predictions, the value of this metal is severely undervalued.

Platinum price prediction 2030

In the year 2030, analysts promise to see the troy ounce in the range of $1500-$1600. This is only 90 per cent higher than the current level. Moreover, it is noticeably lower than the historical maximums.

There are also more optimistic experts. They call figures of $3500-$4000 per ounce. But such a prediction of platinum prices forecast 2030 looks too optimistic.

It is believed that the cost of this metal is determined by the supply and demand ratio. But the year of 2023 has demonstrated other factors to be stronger. Despite the growing deficit, quotations are not going up. Therefore, a moderate expectations look more likely.

Platinum forecast 2040

The expectations for 2040 are positive. Experts believe that the metal's value will definitely be higher than the current one. The main bullish factors:

  • inflation, driving all real asset prices upwards;
  • decline in reserves;
  • hydrogen energy development.

A separate question is the growth rates of quotations. Most analysts agree upon the fact that they will remain modest. The consensus forecast is 10-15% per year on average, taking into account local drawdowns. They fail to promise multiple appreciation of platinum like gold.

The situation may change radically when new technologies appear. When demand for the metal increases, its value will rise more than expected.

Platinum Future price 2050

Experts give an optimistic outlook for 2050. Most analysts believe that the demand for the metal will grow over the long horizon. They also believe that its scarcity will start to have a serious impact on the market.

When such a thing happens, this metal will prove to be a good long-term investment. But the longer the time horizon, the less reliable are the forecasts of futures prices. Therefore, experts find it difficult to give exact figures.

Analysts note that since 2015, the cost has been moving within a narrow range. It is less volatile than gold quotations. Therefore, this investment instrument is recommended for diversification and hedging.

About Platinum


Platinum is the third most popular precious metal. But investing in this asset has a number of peculiarities that need to be taken into account:

  1. It is an industrial jewelry commodity. It has low investment demand. Bullion bars and coins account for only 10-15% of production.
  2. The asset is less liquid than gold and silver due to lower investor interest.
  3. The main reserves are in South Africa. The level of production is highly dependent on the situation in this region.

More than 40% of mined is used to produce catalytic converters for diesel powered vehicles. The strengthening position of eco-activists has a twofold impact on the consumption of this metal.

On the one hand, electric cars are replacing diesel. On the other hand, the hydrogen economy cannot do without platinum. Therefore, the demand for the metal in the future will depend on the future course of green energy development.

The jewelry industry is the second largest consumer. It accounts for more than a third of the mined volume. China plays the leading role. Global consumption depends, among other things, on the popularity of platinum jewelry.

These factors have a stronger influence on quotations than stock exchange speculation. But one should remember that metal is a good diversification option. It can be used to hedge the risks of investing in other metals. It has a negative correlation with gold (insignificant) and palladium (quite noticeable).

Platinum began to be used as an investment asset only in the second half of the XX century. Nowadays, one can invest in it in a large number of ways. For example, through:

Platinum Price History Chart

Key dates

Year 2008

In February 2008, the cost of platinum reached an all-time high of $2150. This year was characterized by a shortage of physical metal. At the same time, there was high market volatility. As a result of the crisis, the price more than halved by September 2008 (to $1000).

Year 2011

In April 2011, the cost of a troy ounce of platinum reached $1875. This is the maximum shown by quotations after 2008. Since then, the metal price has been in a pronounced downtrend, which lasted until 2015.

Year 2015

The bearish cycle in the platinum market has come to an end. Quotes have moved into a prolonged sideways trend. The price of an ounce as of December 2015 practically remained the same as in November 2023.

What Influences Platinum Price

State of economy

It is primarily an industrial and jewelry metal. When the market expects a recession and lower production, the value falls. Demand from the jewelry industry is also unstable. Platinum is now cheaper than gold, and items made of it are not considered elite.

Supply and demand ratio

When production fails to cover consumption, there is a threat of shortages. Amid fears of a shortage of physical metal, the price rises. But when this is accompanied by expectations of a recession, there is little or no impact on quotations. This was clearly seen in 2008 and 2023.

The problems in South Africa have a direct impact on mining. It can be argued that the price of the metal depends on the well-being of this region. But this only happens when the global economic situation is stable.

Technical achievements

Advances in technology are creating new applications for this metal. As a result, its value is increasing. Hence, quotations are also rising. For example, hydrogen energy is one of the newest applications.

"Green" policy

As emissions regulations have become stricter, the need for platinum neutralisers has grown. But the growing popularity of electric vehicles is jeopardizing the popularity of this metal.

Market situation

The cost rises when palladium, gold and oil prices drop. This is due to the fact that platinum consumption by industry increases during such periods.

Is Platinum A Good Investment


(1-6 month)

The expectations for the next week are positive. Instruments related to it are an excellent option for short-term investments. Bearish trend in the market is unlikely. Metal quotations are trending upwards. Investors' increasing interest in alternative assets contributes to this.


(6-12 month)

On the horizon of 6-12 months, the value of an ounce is expected to grow. Many experts believe that the market will show a bullish trend. They argue that production is declining and consumption of the metal is growing. Technical indicators also point to the advisability of investing in this asset.


(1 year+)

The expectations for 2024 and beyond are positive. The market is anticipated to grow. At the moment, the metal is undervalued. Industry specialists expect the price of an ounce to remain above $1000 in the future. Many predict a return to the $1800-$2000 levels.


Where is the platinum price heading?

In the second half of 2023, quotations have been declining. Small regional rises failed to bring the price back to the $1,000 mark. But experts predict a reversal of the trend.

Is platinum a good investment for the future?

Since 2015, quotations of this metal have been in a sidewall. It brings no profit to long-term investors. But experts believe that asset is now undervalued. The current moment is proper for long-term investments.

Why is platinum going down in value?

This most often happens during economic crises. The value also falls when production exceeds the demand level.

Will platinum ever be worth more than gold?

Such a period has already taken place in the past. But it is not likely to happen again. There are no fundamental factors for such a return. It may happen when production levels fall sharply.

What is the best precious metal to buy right now?

For the precious metals market beginners, experts recommend investing in gold. Platinum is proper for those who have positions in other alternative assets. It is used primarily for diversification purposes.

How much will platinum be worth in 2030?

Analysts now promise more modest figures than a few years ago. The average forecast for 2030 is at the level of $1500-$1600. But more optimistic predictions can also be found.

Platinum News






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