Discover how to calculate the information ratio formula effectively for evaluating investment performance. Learn the importance of this metric, its formula, and how it distinguishes good performance from negative outcomes in investment strategies.
CEO BeatMarket
Stakeholders🆚Shareholders: What’s the difference? We will consider definition of the two notions📌and dive into two theories: shareholder theory🆚stakeholder theory
Hi there! I see that the Sunday Coffee posts is quite popular, but at the same time it’s not easy for me to publish content on a schedule, because many of the topics that I cover are not predictable. An idea came to me, I recorded it and then share it with you. To remedy […]
Positive vs normative economics: concept definitions, statement examples ❗️ Discover here what is the difference between positive and normative approaches to economics research 📝
Amortisation vs depreciation: definition, difference, examples. Learn more about how to account for amortization and depreciation expenses depending on the type of asset.
CDs vs Bonds: characteristics, properties, similarities and differences. Find out here which of these assets is better and safer. We will tell you which one to favor in times of recession
Capital stock represents one of the components of a company’s equity capital. It is composed of ordinary and preference stocks. The organization of a business in the form of a joint-stock company and subsequent listing on the stock exchange is a popular way of raising funds for development. We will tell you about where to […]
Investment portfolio review: a step-by-step guideline for beginners ✅ Explore why you need to check portfolio components against a sample. How to analyze assets 💰
What is an asset class: definition, types, examples. How to use different asset classes to generate investment income and create a balanced portfolio.
In this article you will know: What is treasury stock? $ Brief definition of treasury stock🆕, type of account reflecting buybacks on the company balance 📙